Have you decided to buy art online? Then it can help to follow a few guidelines. We have summed up a few important questions and pointers for you:
Will it make you happy or touch you in an emotional way when you look at it every day? Choose something that speaks to the core of your personality. Art you will not get tired of seeing on your wall.
Do you have the space to display the artwork? And is it suitable when you consider things as not wanting direct sunlight and humidity?
Do you want to display it as an eye catcher for everyone to see, or is it a more personal piece which is meant for a more private space?
Don’t be afraid to buy big. A lot of people have a rule that a painting should fill a wall up to a maximum of about 60-70%. Although it is a good rule of the thumb, please feel free to experiment. A painting doesn’t always have to go above the sofa…how about reserving an entire wall? A client of ours recently bought a work measuring 350cm x 200cm and has it covering a whole wall (in her classic but small Amsterdam house) almost from the floor to the ceiling. It makes quite an impression and, paradoxically, makes the room larger than it is!
Are you following a trend and looking for what others deem “hip” or are you looking for something that reflects you? Don’t let so called art guru’s or art brokers determine what you should like and buy or “invest” in.
Has the (online) gallery reviewed and curated the work on display? Do they know their artists personally? If so then they can confirm the quality and reliability of the artist. If not, make sure to do some more research!
Buying online can be more comfortable and less intimidating than visiting physical galleries. If possible try and see a painting or sculpture live before buying. Nothing compares to the impression an artwork can make when it is seen and experienced in the flesh. Given that these are Covid times you can choose to make an appointment for a private viewing. A good gallery should be able to facilitate this at all times!
